Numa altura em que muitos se sentem assustados e desamparados, é possível encontrar esperança nas histórias de pessoas de todo o mundo que se unem para travar as alterações climáticas.
As eleições deste ano mostraram o aumento devastador da negação e da exploração do clima. A verdadeira democracia é agora a resistência impulsionada pelo povo.
O nosso mundo está mais perto do colapso do que os cientistas pensavam, mas os activistas estão presos, enquanto o capitalismo do carbono é livre para continuar a matar.
Rebeldes no Reino Unido e na Finlândia lançaram ações que bateram recordes para exigir melhores proteções para a natureza.
Eles tentaram manter sua localização em segredo. Mas os rebeldes encontraram a cimeira onde os executivos do petróleo planeavam a sua pilhagem em África.
De desinvestimento corporativo a decisões judiciais históricas e concessões políticas, Abril tem sido cheio de vitórias para o movimento climático.
O que é que faz com que as revoltas populares sejam bem sucedidas? Porque é que se tornaram tão propensas a sair pela culatra? Será que temos demasiado medo dos líderes? Falámos com o autor Vincent Bevins para descobrir.
Uma reflexão pessoal sobre as temperaturas médias globais que excedem o limite de 1,5 graus Celsius há mais de doze meses.
Uma nova aliança rebelde tem perturbado a infra-estrutura petrolífera no Mar do Norte em toda a Europa, tocado canções punk em contentores.
Sem seguro, projectos de combustíveis fósseis como oleodutos e minas de carvão não podem funcionar.
But every step we take to end fossil fuels and make our civilization sustainable keeps the world a little cooler, and the future a little less frightening.
A Mothers* Rebellion tem pessoas de todo o mundo a erguerem-se contra o colapso climático. Leia sobre as experiências de organização da Betty' no Quénia.
2023 foi sombrio, mas os rebeldes e os seus aliados também conseguiram muitas vitórias inspiradoras no ano passado. Vamos recordar algumas das melhores.
A Greenwashing dos Emirados Árabes Unidos está a levar a despejos em massa no Quénia, enquanto protestos em massa estão a fechar minas no Panamá.
Bloqueamos os 'Oscares do Petróleo', resistimos a criminalização do protesto, exigimos um cessar-fogo na Palestina.
Cinco anos depois da criação da Extinction Rebellion, três co-fundadores reflectem sobre as lições aprendidas e como responder ao rápido aquecimento mundo atual que está a aquecer rapidamente.
A era do colapso climático global começou, e o nosso movimento respondeu com acções de criatividade e bravura.
O atual Governo do Reino Unido está a mostrar que está disposto a sacrificar o futuro do nosso planeta para obter ganhos políticos a curto prazo.
O povo do Equador votou a favor da proibição da exploração de petróleo na Amazónia. E esta não é a única boa notícia desta edição.
Quer seja nos vales do País de Gales ou nas florestas da Turquia, é uma lei para os manifestantes e lei nenhuma para as empresas de carvão.
As grandes petrolíferas sempre tiveram um lugar à mesa das negociações climáticas da ONU, mas com a COP28 estas passam a orquestrar o espectáculo.
O ecologista americano Charles Curtin tem trabalhado com comunidades rurais durante grende parte da sua vida. Nesta entrevista reflecte sobre as suas aprendizagens e como estas podem ajudar a XR.
O mundo em que as nossas crianças viverão parece cada vez mais aterrador. As mães rebeldes recusam-se a olhar para o lado.
O líder da consciencialização climática David Jesero, criado numa fazenda do Uganda pela sua Avó, conta-nos a sua jornada climática, incluindo uma descoberta crucial.
A XR UK rejeitou a interrupção para se concentrar no aumento da rebelião assistência. Mas será que o The Big One foi suficientemente grande?
Tudo o que não coube no Boletim Global 76, incluindo acções na Dinamarca, Ruanda, Sérvia, Sri Lanka, Noruega, Suécia e muito mais…
Um olhar sobre o papel que os oceanos desempenham nos nossos ecossistemas, porque são importante para combater as alterações climáticas e sustentar a vida na Terra, e como os podemos protegê-los.
As temperatures rise and water becomes scarce, governments are using weapons of war against their own people to control it.
Everything we couldn’t fit into Global Newsletter 75, including actions in Australia, Croatia, Guyana, Norway, USA, & more...
Um breve vídeo de Red Rebels, filmado pelo cineasta Jonathan P. Schwartz, mostra o poder do silêncio.
Big Oil has never been more powerful. The need for strong alliances across and beyond our movement has never been greater.
Everything we couldn’t fit into Global Newsletter 74, including actions in Australia, Gambia, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, DRC & more...
Os nossos sistemas políticos falidos ajudaram a criar a emergência climática e emergência climática e ecológica; Nick Gill, da Sortition Foundation, explica porque é que precisamos de transformar a política e melhorar a democracia.
Capitalism can’t change gears and is driving us off a cliff. If we want an economy that works, we need to embrace degrowth.
O plástico está em todo o lado à nossa volta, até dentro de nós. Continua a ler para veres como as empresas impulsionaram deliberadamente o aumento do plástico, as suas consequências, e como encontrar o caminho para sair dele.
Humanity is wiping out the biodiversity of this planet. Did COP15 inspire governments to reverse the decline?
Everything we couldn’t fit into Global Newsletter 72, including actions in Sweden, Italy, Senegal, USA, Nigeria, UK and more...
COP27 has failed, and our leaders are incapable of keeping to the 1.5°C threshold of the Paris Agreement. What now?
Everything we couldn’t fit into Global Newsletter 71, including actions in Spain, Austria, France, Poland, India, Panama, Scotland, Israel, USA, Norway, and more...
O crescimento económico implacável está a impulsionar projectos de recuperação de terras em todo o mundo - este artigo explora a forma como estão a criar desastre ambiental e a imiseração de vidas humanas
Hot Take #5 explores a new report backed by global food and drink giants, that suggests the transition to sustainable agricultural methods is being taken seriously. Should we trust it? XR Global's 'Hot Takes' are short-form, in-depth reactions to global environmental stories affecting us right now.
"Gabby's First Kiss" by Joe Tankersley was a winning entry in XR Wordsmith's 2021 Solarpunk Showcase. Solarpunk offers a vision of what the future could be, not what it will be. We can’t rely on others to make it happen - if it’s a future we want, it’s down to all of us to make it real.
While world leaders blow hot air in Egypt, more of us get sucked into climate hell. Mass civil resistance is the answer.
Newsletter XTRA: Everything we couldn’t fit into the main Global Newsletter, inc. actions in New Zealand, Nigeria, Panama, India and more!
Hot Take #4 explores the potential held by COP27 in all its contradictory, self-limiting and unjust glory. XR Global's 'Hot Takes' are short-form, in-depth reactions to global environmental stories affecting us right now.
"The Old Man and the Bird" and "Blood Oil" by Aël Magnard & Rebecca "Reb" Spring are part of XR Wordsmith's Solarpunk Showcase. Solarpunk offers a vision of what the future could be, not what it will be. We can’t rely on others to make it happen - if it’s a future we want, it’s down to all of us to make it real.
Our oceans are in deep trouble, suffering from an onslaught of man-made threats. Are current approaches to protecting it sufficient? Or should we be dreaming bigger?
When it comes to action on climate, you can’t beat a real rebellion.
Welcome to Newsletter Xtra, where everything we couldn’t fit into the main Global Newsletter has its moment to Shine. This month we cover actions in South Korea, USA, Argentina, Pakistan, South Africa, Australia and more!
Welcome to Newsletter Xtra, where rebel actions and other stories we couldn’t fit into the main Global Newsletter have their moment in the sunlight. This month we bring you reports from Peru to Italy, Australia to East Africa, the UK to the USA, and many more…
Millions are already living through a hellscape of unending extreme weather and food shortages. How many millions more must join them?
Hot Take #3 explores the floods that have devastated Pakistan in recent weeks as a manifestation of the Global North’s reckless disregard for our climatic future and the lives of those most affected. XR Global's 'Hot Takes' are short-form, in-depth reactions to global environmental stories affecting us right now.
A mudança do estilo de vida individual pode ajudar a enfrentar a emergência climática e emergência climática e ecológica, ou será uma distração inútil?
'The Tides Rolled In' - one winner of the "19 & Over" category - is part of XR Wordsmith's Solarpunk Showcase. Solarpunk offers a vision of what the future could be, not what it will be. We can’t rely on others to make it happen - if it’s a future we want, it’s down to all of us to make it real.
Welcome to Newsletter Xtra, where rebel actions and other stories we couldn’t fit into the main Global Newsletter have their moment in the sunlight. This month we bring you reports from across Europe, Australia, Gambia, the US and more…
Congolese peatlands are being auctioned off to oil companies, and the Massai are being evicted from their ancestral lands. But carbon sinks and indigenous knowledge are far too precious to lose.
Hot Take #2 examines oil auctions in the DRC, and their structural roots in fossil capital and an unjust international system. XR Global's 'Hot Takes' are short-form, in-depth reactions to global environmental stories affecting us right now.
Hot Take #1: "Feel the Heat" looks at ongoing heatwaves and wildfires and the unequal destruction they bring. XR Global's 'Hot Takes' are short-form, globally focussed and in-depth reactions to issues affecting the world right now.
Welcome to Newsletter Xtra, where wonderful rebel actions we couldn’t fit into the main Global Newsletter have their moment to shine.
Rich countries won’t pay their climate debts. So why should poorer countries pay their financial debts? They should spend the money on climate action instead.
These three stories - winners of the "11 & Under" category - are part of XR Wordsmith's Solarpunk Showcase. Solarpunk offers a vision of what the future could be, not what it will be. We can’t rely on others to make it happen - if it’s a future we want, it’s down to all of us to make it real.
Roya Rahmani - former Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States - explores and emphasises the need to eliminate discriminatory laws and practices against women if we are to succesfully mitigate against the worst impacts of the climate crisis.
Welcome to Newsletter Xtra, where wonderful rebel actions we couldn’t fit into the main Global Newsletter have their moment to shine.
When it comes to standing up to the fossil fuel industry, your politicians may disappoint but your fellow rebels will never let you down.
Neil Simpson explores how navigating relationships in an age of climate crisis can be anxiety-inducing and alienating, and what you can do about it. The wonderful original illustrations which enhance Neil's writing were created for XR Global by Dustin Jacobus.
"City Starlight" and "The Cemetery" by Katrina Eilender are part of XR Wordsmith's Solarpunk Showcase. Solarpunk offers a vision of what the future could be, not what it will be. We can’t rely on others to make it happen - if it’s a future we want, it’s down to all of us to make it real.
It’s springtime in the Global North, and rebellion has sprouted in three of its iconic cities.
Welcome to Newsletter Xtra, where wonderful rebel actions we couldn’t fit into the main Global Newsletter have their say. This month we bring you reports from Australia, Denmark, Finland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Rwanda, Switzerland, Ukraine, and more…
Discover how XR MAPA, and a coalition of grassroots groups from labour, indigenous communities, social and environmental movements across the Global South and North, are organising decentralised actions at the time of the G7 in the campaign Debt for Climate.
Language we use to talk about nature shapes our thoughts and attitudes towards it. The words we use matter: yet mainstream 'nature speak' is problematic, and damaging.
In the last month, XR held two global rebellions and launched a national one using new tactics, new alliances, and a new demand. It’s almost too much for one newsletter to handle.
"Where Giants Will Stand" is part of XR Wordsmith's Solarpunk Showcase. Solarpunk offers a vision of what the future could be, not what it will be. We can’t rely on others to make it happen - if it’s a future we want, it’s down to all of us to make it real.
The destructive links between colonialism and climate breakdown experienced by Palestinians are a product of climate injustice. They are felt by marginalized communities around the world. Recognition and action taken through a ‘justice lens’ is the only viable response.
To mark International Women’s Day, a grassroots coalition of women activists launched a Climate Strike right across the world.
A call to action: XR Ukraine's statement appealing for a united response against "fossil-fuelled terror", written just before the Russian invasion began.
Oil spills have already devastated multiple coastlines this year. Rebels all over the world rose like water to protect the oceans.
Brazil is on fire! A long history of extractivism in the region is destroying the "lungs of the planet", but there is still hope...
We celebrate some precious victories for XR, and investigate the new climate groups making headlines around the world.
Eco-activism is thriving and new groups are popping up everywhere. We spoke to four that hit the headlines last year to find out where they came from, where they are going, and what their relationship is with XR.
The devastating effects of wildfires extend further than their flames. With no respect for geographical borders, find out why wildfire smoke is the silent killer that hits the most vulnerable hardest.
Eco-anxiety is on the rise worldwide. But what is eco-anxiety? How does it manifest? What should you do if you have it? Read on.
COP26 has failed and world leaders have left 1.5C to die, while breathing new life into the fossil fuel industry.
While the leaders of the Global North sink to new depths at COP26, rebels in the Global South have risen up.
Activists in Tunisia protested in the wake of an industrial disaster in the city of Gabes that took the lives of 6 and injured many more.
XR Nigeria demands action: 30% of Nigerians do not have access to clean water near their homes
While the world burns, ministers met in Milan for Pre-COP, a warm up summit for the main event in Glasgow.
Georgian grassroots activists have built a movement to oppose a dam on the Riona river that threatens biodiversity, local livelihoods and cultural heritage in the region.
In the run-up to COP26 in Glasgow, XR Global is sharing global stories of climate and ecological injustice to underline the need for genuinely equitable and just outcomes from the conference if it is to have any meaningful impact. This piece explores the deforestation in the Congo Basin through the eyes of local activist and community organizer James who is working tirelessly to protect and regenerate this vital and magnificent forest.
UN COP's have provided a great deal of false hope over the years. Could this time really be any different or are fears that COP is unfit for purpose well-founded?
After a season of extreme weather and complacent politicians, a wave of rebellion has swept across Europe.
COP26 is being billed as the moment when our politicians will finally act on the Climate Crisis. But what’s so special about COP26? And why did the previous 25 end in failure?
While our bursting wardrobes may make us feel more 'complete' for a little while, it’s the environment which is bearing the devastating cost. The personal wardrobe has become intensely political, and it’s time we all got informed.
This month Newsletter Xtra brings you reports from Australia, Czech Republic, Spain, Ireland, the USA and many more...
The devastating heat wave that hit mild regions of North America has shown that the Climate & Ecological Crisis can strike anywhere.
Rebels were determined to make this G7 different. But the leaders of the seven wealthiest democratic nations have failed us yet again.
As ecosystems around the world suffer on the verge of collapse, rewilding could be a method to help save the planet’s biodiversity—and in turn, ourselves
Two dancers in costumes made of plastic bottles performed in the street surrounded by curious passersby. Together with local artists, Extinction Rebellion activists marked World Water Day in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
This month Newsletter Xtra brings you rebel reports from France, America, South Africa, Scotland, Australia, Indonesia and more...
Rebellion of One is a new way to rebel using multiple one-person roadblocks. It’s happening all over the world and it works!
In March, XR Universities Uganda organised an action for World Water Day on Lake Victoria. Read this article to find out more!
Holocene holdouts have a huge financial stake in the rest of us keeping our heads in the sand.
For a long time the ocean has been our greatest friend, but deep trenches have formed in this relationship that are manifesting in terrifying ways – and our species is entirely to blame.
Ações a contecer um pouco por todo o mundo que não conseguimos incluir na newsletter principal deste mês
Os cientistas estão se revoltando! E qualquer instituição científica que aceita a crise climática mas não age como se ela existisse é um alvo.
XR COP Action recently linked groups of rebels from all over the world to discuss and share their ideas and experiences in the run up to COP26.
People sometimes ask why XR doesn’t propose specific solutions to the climate and ecological emergency - the answer is that it’s a deliberate choice and it isn’t just because it’s too difficult...
Veja mais ações acontecendo pelo mundo todo que não conseguimos incluir na newsletter principal deste mês
How Animal Rebellion, a sister movement to Extinction Rebellion, has a plant-based vision that’s growing all over the world.
Our mainstream agricultural system is at war with nature. Is there another way? Discover a hopeful alternative in our new article.
Can we suck carbon dioxide out of industry? Kind of. One option is carbon capture and storage. So why aren't we using it, and why it is so controversial?
Climate refugees are people who have fled their homes because of changes in the environment. But where are they, and what can be done to help them?
Actions from across the world that we couldn't cram into the main newsletter this month
Os sistemas políticos estão a falhar-nos. As Assembleias Cidadãs podem quebrar o ciclo e criar as políticas climáticas de que necessitamos.
What would happen if the bees disappeared? How do the threats of mass species extinction threaten our way of life? How can we stop this?
"A semente da resistência foi semeada e germina por toda parte! Somos ervas daninhas que não vão embora, ervas daninhas que rompem o asfalto!"
Activists around the world are using existing laws, and creating new ones, to force governments and corporations to act on the climate crisis.
O Extinction Rebellion exige ação sobre a emergência climática e ecológica com três exigências. A terceira, "Ir além da política", é que os governos devem formar assembleias cidadãs e agir de acordo com as suas recomendações.
We demand that governments everywhere tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with the public, businesses and other institutions to communicate this urgent need for change.
Governments’ pledge to cut emissions while their economies profit from fossil fuels and ecocide with impunity.
Trying to communicate about the climate crisis can be frustrating. Here's how to avoid some of the pitfalls that can shut down the conversation.
The following decade is going to be crucial for climate action. If our governments continue in their neglect, the results could be catastrophic.
Writers Rebel interviews Jimmy Piaguaje, a young indigenous activist from Ecuador's northern Amazon region.
Pode parecer que a política foi renovada - mas em todos os cantos do planeta as nossas florestas estão a ser atacadas. E quando elas desaparecerem, também nós iremos desaparecer.
Actions from across the world that we could cram into the newsletter this month
O clima extremo está inegavelmente ligado ao aquecimento do planeta provocado pelo homem. planeta. Mas a extensão dessa ligação tem sido contestada durante anos. A ciência, no entanto, mostra-nos que é mais forte do que a maioria das pessoas pensa.
José Gualinga is a leader of the Native People of Sarayaku, an indigenous Kichwa group with 1400 inhabitants living in a remote part of Ecuador’s southern Amazon.
Refusing to comply with laws seems like a drastic measure. But these 15 examples of civil disobedience show that doing so can be a crucial driver of important social change.
This is the story of how a few individuals confronted an environmental disaster and worked to transform it into an ecological treasure.
Fresh from the streets of Austria, South Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, rebels are rebelling! Yet another Global Newsletter rippling with all your latest news and stories.
One of the most important acts of collective power we can make in the fight against climate change is to switch banks.
A global wave of (rock and) rolling rebellions is upon us. With immense courage, cunning and care, rebels are returning to the streets in a dozen countries all across the globe.
The future is coming for us — faster than we imagined. Destruction that was forecast to unfold decades from now is already here.