The boo...
The book "Blackboard" is the first novel in the social category, signed by Mr.Nobody and written by Hamed Nikgou in 2017 in French. This author is mostly known for his philosophical and social works, and his previous and subsequent books have a completely different and philosophical style and prose but the book "Blackboard" with a simple and conceptual writing, depicting a father's conversation in the final minutes of his life with his imaginary daughter (Nusha)… Let's review some parts of the "Blackboard" book.Nusha, one day you will realize that , contrary to your belief, you need , not anybody else, that day is too late, but if you learn, you will go loftily..My dear Nusha; the last sign is not where you think, the last sign is the heart that has been saddened by your acts.Dear Nusha, silence is neither a sign of satisfaction nor a response to ignorant. Silence doesn't have the form of quietness, nor a rule of punishment; silence is a sign of your nobility.Those who take time to vilify you, it means that you have a higher character in front of them, Therefore , always remain silent........
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