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Simon Yates was a lawyer. He helped many people. However, he was not a nice man. His policy was to help only rich people. He didn’t bother about social injustice. He made a lot of money, but many people didn’t like him. Even people on his staff didn’t like him. In fact, they were glad when he got into trouble.

Simon had a very bad day. He did many things wrong and lost his job. Soon, he didn’t have any money. His wife, Mrs. Yates, began to have doubts about him. Simon

wanted to start a new life. He planned to leave the country.

He mentioned his plan to the captain of a ship. The captain was exploring the world. The captain felt bad for Simon and said, “I will take you to foreign countries”. They left the next day.

Near the conclusion of their international trip, the weather turned bad. A wave pushed Simon off the boat. But he was alive. He swam toward an island. After a long time he got there.

At first he was upset. He was lost and alone. “I’ll never go home again”, he thought. He had a lot of problems, but he didn’t die. He built a house in a tree. He lived on a diet of fish. He made tools from wood and bones. He made a cup to drink rainwater.

Slowly, he learned to be happy on the island. He swam every day. He had trouble sometimes, but he always found a way to fix the problem. Life was simple. He liked it.

Finally, people on a ship saw Simon on the island. They wanted to take him home. But Simon was happy. He gave them a long speech about life. He said he wanted to stay. He liked his new, simple life more than his old life.


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